Defamed, Disgraced and Displaced...
Fresh from a career-killing scandal, New York fashion girl, Maya Kirkwood, arrives in San Francisco to reinvent herself as a fine artist. She's offered the opportunity to create an installation at the Silicon Valley headquarters of a hot new tech company. Fabulous, right?
Not so much.
She can't stand Derek Whitley - wunderkind software genius and CEO of the company. Hot as he may be on the outside, inside the man is a cold, unemotional, robotic type. Way too left-brained for her right-brained self.
As Maya and Derek get to know each other, however, their facades begin to crack. She catches her first glimpse of the man behind the superhuman tech prodigy, and he starts to see her as the woman she used to be. But is this a good thing? Once that last secret is revealed, will it bring them closer together or will it tear them apart?
Fresh from a career-killing scandal, New York fashion girl, Maya Kirkwood, arrives in San Francisco to reinvent herself as a fine artist. She's offered the opportunity to create an installation at the Silicon Valley headquarters of a hot new tech company. Fabulous, right?
Not so much.
She can't stand Derek Whitley - wunderkind software genius and CEO of the company. Hot as he may be on the outside, inside the man is a cold, unemotional, robotic type. Way too left-brained for her right-brained self.
As Maya and Derek get to know each other, however, their facades begin to crack. She catches her first glimpse of the man behind the superhuman tech prodigy, and he starts to see her as the woman she used to be. But is this a good thing? Once that last secret is revealed, will it bring them closer together or will it tear them apart?
I love geeks! This is no shock to anyone who knows me. And I was thrilled that Libby Mercer asked me if I would be interested in reviewing her new book, Unmasking Maya, as the male lead was a hot geek!
This is high up there on my list of favorite reads of 2012. I loved the character of Maya. She is clearly lonely, even if she wants to deny it, as her past has burned her and she is unwilling to open herself up to the chance of love again. She is quirky and an artistic fashionista, which I adored. And Derek...cold, indifferent, infuriating, yet incredibly good looking. Yup, I was sold on him immediately. I love that their relationship was not an insta-romance. It took time, it took breaking down barriers, fighting, and ultimately realizing what they both wanted. It was a heart warming story that I couldn't put down.
I do wish that Maya had some retribution for the scandal in NYC, complete with payback against the dastardly ex, and that the sudden appearance of her father had been addressed more. Overall, the book was a flawless read for me. I also would have loved to see more of Lin and her husband, they were a good time.
Libby has a great voice and a knack for weaving a tale that you want to keep reading, you want more and dread the final pages coming up. This was my first book by Libby Mercer and I have to go back and read all her other works now. I dare anyone to read "Unmasking Maya" and not have a smile on their face at the end and clamoring for more of the writing of Libby Mercer.
and raised in the Midwest, Libby Mercer’s adventurous spirit kicked in after
graduating from high school, and she’s since lived in Boston, NYC and London.
San Francisco is the city she currently calls home. For several years, Libby
worked in fashion – first as a journalist and then as a shopkeeper. She also
dabbled in design for a while. Even through the crazy fashion years, Libby
never let go of her dream of being a published author, and has since developed
her signature writing style, crafting quirky chick lit/romance hybrids. Fashioning
a Romance was her first published novel, and Unmasking Maya will be
her second. Libby has a third novel, The Karmic Connection, scheduled
for release in 2013.
Twitter: LibbyMercer1